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What is expected of me as a Member

What’s expected of You as a Member:
We encourage you to ask questions, be active within the group, help if you can, make suggestions, and encourage members and yourself to take better pictures.
By joining this group you understand, Photographers of Tulsa Oklahoma Group (PHOTOG), it’s organizers and its members are NOT responsible for your gear/cameras and/or well being while attending. When participating in PHOTOG events it is your responsibility to be aware of your surroundings, provide your own transportation and be fully responsible for yourself and your property.

Model releases are required for all model shoots. In the case of minors under the age of 18, a parent must be on site during the shoot and sign the model release for the minor child. Photographers are to be respectful of the models and are not to touch the models without first asking permission.

The organizers of PHOTOG reserves the right to remove and/or ban any member from the group for inappropriate behavior or ill conduct towards another member, model or ‘minor’ attending one of our Meetups.
How often do you meet?

A: Events can vary throughout the month, on weekends or weekdays. We do try to have at least 2 active Events a month in addition to our monthly Educational Meeting.
Do I have to have a fancy digital camera to belong?

A: Not at all! Whereas our Events and Library Sessions are geared towards DSLRs, rules of composition, color, contrast and artistry can be applied to any camera….even the camera on your phone!
What are the dues used for?
Our membership fees cover expenses including our subscription for this website, post office box, domain name renewal, state of Oklahoma corporation fee, insurance, honorarium to speakers at Educational sessions, rental for meeting rooms for events, payments to models, expenses for Portraits of Love and other general administrative expenses.  We also maintain a reserve for the following calendar year.
How do I pay my dues?

Dues may be paid via PayPal or Credit Card when you join through this site, by check (payable to PHOTOG Inc.), cash at our monthly Library session or send to the address listed below. 



PO Box 35424
TulsaOK  74153

How often are the Library Sessions and what are those about?
A: Our Library Sessions are the fourth Wednesday of each month. During these educational sessions we explore a variety of photography topics and techniques, demonstrate photo software, invite guest speakers and more.  Our Educational sessions are open to the public, so please bring a friend. 
Do we need a model release?

A: It is required you get a model release when we are dealing with models at a photo shoot. It is even more important that you get that model release signed by a parent if that model is a minor-under 18. Sometimes we will have extras with us for the meetup session, but YOU as a photographer should always have one handy. Some of our models come in for FREE and in return they ask for a copy of the picture for their portfolios. It is up to the individual photographer to get the information needed and provide a digital image to that model for their personal use and get a signed model release.
Does PHOTOG have meetups at festivals or out of town?

A: There have been trips to the Azalea festival in Muskogee, Mayfest, Octoberfest, drag races, a trek to Arkansas to photograph waterfalls, Gloss Mountain in the West and even Kansas through the flint hills. You just never know what this group might put together.
I have a idea for a photo shoot, who do I contact?
A: We love hearing from our members. You may contact any of the Event Coordinators or a Board member with your idea.

Contact Us  
Is there somewhere I can post pictures?
A: Here on the on the site we have various albums that can be posted to, as a member you can create your own personal gallery as well.  In addition you can always share your photos through our FB group. The link is at the top left side of this page above the menu. 
I have questions about my camera or an event?

A: Don’t hesitate to post your question on our forum, you will get many responses and all the help you need!! If it is a specific event coming up, please contact the organizer in charge they will be more than happy to answer your questions.
How can I cancel my registration to a PHOTOG event?
The process to cancel your registration to a event is found under your profile in event history. Find the red X next to the event listed. You just need to click that and it will open a box confirming you are cancelling. 

As always if you have problems with this just drop a email to your event host letting them know.

Some prepayments may not be reimbursible however many are reimbursible.  If a payment for the event has already been processed a credit may be posted by the system. The credit can be used toward a future event or membership renewal.  Contact our treasurer if the prepayment is reimbursible and you would like the credit reimbursed.

 PHOTOG INC is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. est 2008

The PHOTOG Logo and organization name are trademarks/copyright of Photographers of Tulsa Oklahoma Group INC./PHOTOG INC. a 501c3 non-profit organization. All Rights Reserved. No part of this website or any of its content and images may be reproduced, copied, modified or used in any form without the prior written consent of the Board of Directors